Blog commenting is a vital part in blogging. In fact we believe that, it is a life giving blood to blogging and bloggers. Blog commenting is a good health for your blog to get more engagements and traffic. It is one of the best Off page SEO Techniques.

People obviously want comments for multiple reasons one personal and second SEO-related.

If your blog is personal, or you try to make it look personal, or you want to collect opinions and hear from your readers, comments should definitely be allowed and even be asked for. People who comment are usually your most vivid followers, you core audience, so hearing them helps.

However, if you have a corporate blog that is only aimed to generate leads by showing off your expertise or providing news on your company (which is most frequently an ineffective strategy, but still), then there is no need to allow comments. In this case, you want your readers to buy stuff/products/services, not comment and interact. Such blogs are not intended to start discussions and thus, they never will, which makes the commenting section useless.

The biggest problem with blog commenting is some virtual assistants are abusing it. They either write a fluff comment for promotion or write a nonsense comment with links. For this, blog owners don’t allow comments.

We believe blog commenting is good to add values. It’s not the place to drop the link. But when you appreciate or add value and give reference to the post similar to it. Then it becomes valuable. Social media posts of your content often involve a comment on the piece for instance. If you just talking about just the comment area on a blog then we think it really depends on the popularity or audience of the blog.


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