Advantages and Disadvantages of Using WordPress Child Theme

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using WordPress Child Theme

WordPress Child Theme means?

A child theme is simply a theme that inherits the functionality and looks of another theme or the parent themes.

A WordPress child theme means a WordPress theme that inherits its functionality from another WordPress theme or the parent theme. Child themes are often used when you want to customize an existing WordPress theme without losing the ability to upgrade that theme.

Designers and developers use child themes to speed up their development.

Advantages of Using a Child Theme

• If we create a child theme we will not need to create a new theme from scratch. Which help to increase the speed of development and reduction in time to complete task.
• You can avoid irreversibly damaging your site by using a WordPress child theme.
• A child theme automatically inherits the parent theme’s features, styles, files and templates.
• There are a lot of free theme frameworks available which give you a wide range of functionality will not need too much customization in our child themes.
• A child theme built on a theme framework allows a great deal of flexibility without writing many lines code.
• You forget to code for something, then there is always the parent theme’s functionality available as the fallback option.
• You will get benefit from updates to the parent theme without having to recode all your child themes.

Disadvantages of Using a Child Theme

• Disadvantage of using child themes is the time we need to invest to learn about the parent theme.
• You need to learn hooks and other functions that are used by parent themes or framework.

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