How important will SEO be in 2016 for Digital Marketing?

How important will SEO be in 2016 for Digital Marketing?

SEO will still be important, it’s just changing and digital marketers need to understand how SEO has evolved. “Old School” SEO doesn’t work as well and can get a site penalized. SEO is blending with social media and requires a strong content marketing strategy. Social signals (people sharing the content) and links from authority sites are the focus and can produce the best results.

Also, obtaining traffic from major sites where your target audience hangs out is more important than just achieving a page one ranking in Google. Total traffic is the new goal as opposed to just a page one ranking.

What we see becoming a major part is branded search – ranking for a business name as part of a keyword phrase. Customers are searching to see a business’ reviews, testimonials, social media activity and helpful content posted about their niche before they decide to do business with them. Creating an optimized branded network can provide a competitive advantage for your clients. It needs to be mobile responsive as well.

Also optimizing content specifically for keyword phrases is evolving into creating content that is topical and can rank for more broad terms. However, you still need to look at the competitiveness of the content in order to rank. However, even posting competitive topics to social media groups can get targeted traffic and can be shared.

Lastly, video is going to become even more important both individually, as well as part of media rich posting (video, images and text with links out to authority sites.) We have developed an interactive video platform for marketers to help them get more results from their video marketing efforts. In two years or so, the major of content posted will be video according to the latest statistics.

[easy-tweet tweet=”SEO was, is and will be important for Digital Marketing. ” hashtags=”#seo #google”]The only thing is now it must be smart and strategic.

What is new in SEO?

What is new in SEO?

It is same as it was before. The only difference is people using it naively are out of picture now. Only authenticated and smart SEO tactics works.

Smart SEO tactic means understand the context proerly, design your marketing plan based on the context, execute the plan, keep close eyes on how it’s going, review each aspect of success and failure, keep fine tuning based on the retrieved results and keep on monitoring.

In layman’s language, old school SEO is building massive links with mass submissions in directories, and other websites. The smart SEO is crafting the content based on your context, publish it, distribute it, encourage people to share it and link bank to it. Build natural and niche links. Don’t use blind link building as it doesn’t work as it was before.

There are many moving parts to SEO these days. It’s not just link building like some have said. It’s all encompassing from site structure, page speed, navigation, content optimization, social sharing, and much much more.

The problem is we are trying to influence search engines which is the wrong way to thing about it. Try optimizing for your user experience. Create content that is targeted to your buyer personas and shared via social networks where they live. Engage and share with others in the same industry to establish your authority.

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